Wednesday, October 20, 2010

squash and carrots starting to sprout

I planted carrots and winter squash ten days ago. We've had some rain and the first sprouts are appearing.

The squash are starting to push through the soil.

The two leaflets mark squash as a dicot - a plant having two embryonic "first leaves." 

This one still has a few specks of dirt from its push through the soil.

Notice the cotyledons still trapped by the seed coat. I had to smile since it looks like this plant is wearing a little safety helmet. Within a few days, the true leaves should be visible. 

The carrots are also just starting to peek forth from the soil.
Carrots are also dicots. The two cotyledons are just barely visible. These look quite distinct from the true leaves that will appear in a few days. 

This one is so small and pale that you also can't see it. It gives me hope, though, for carrots to come. 

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